Do not Wear More Windows! This is the reason - Windows has long been the most commonly used operating system. While learning about the operating system in elementary school through high school, it seems Windows is the most discussed topic. Even when buying a new laptop, we often see Windows embedded in it.
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Windows is everywhere, but that does not mean Windows is the best. Here are 7 reasons you need to consider to be able to immediately turn away from Windows.
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Do not Wear More Windows! This is the reason ..
1. Update Nothing Ends
Windows users may be very familiar with the updates that continue to be offered. Windows always offers to download and install updates by following the re-boot process. This can be very disturbing activities, especially with the fact that the update does not show any significant changes.
2. Cortana More Like Spy Applications
Smart assistant is made to facilitate the activity. However, Cortana seems to have gone too far. Especially with the disorder of setup notifications that continue to appear.
The question is, why should Cortana be the center of everything in Windows 10? By giving him an important role in the overall search performed by the user, what will Cortana do with all the information he collects?
3. Microsoft Has Easy Access to Obtain Information Users
As a market ruler, Microsoft does not seem to waste its opportunity. Microsoft, through Windows, collects a lot of information from its users, which is certainly very valuable to them. Windows 10 is the OS that harvests most user information. And Microsoft has too many ways to get data about its users.
4. Bloatware
The embedded Windows device is always accompanied by bloatware. When PC is produced, various applications from Windows and from third parties are installed. If not sensitive, all the applications will be installed forever in our computer.
Now Microsoft has begun to tighten manufacturing regulations about what applications can be added. However, that does not eliminate the risk of bloatware. Even in Windows 10, Microsoft is responsible for the amount of garbage that accumulates.
5. Windows Closed-Source
Arguably the most significant advantage of Linux that beats Windows and MacOS is the fact that Linux is open-source. In terms of security, we can dive into an open-source OS to ensure that no spyware and malware are nested in our computers. And Windows does not give us access to this.
6. Easy Crash
All operating systems must have crashed, but on Windows, this can happen more often. And the occurrence of this crash can be practically not caused by users, but by Windows itself. The number of updates offered has become one of the most influential factors.
7. Windows Boot Time is Older Compared to Mac, Linux, and ChromeOS
Do you often leave a laptop that is booting to do other activities first, such as to the restroom or take a drink? If you are a Windows user, it is understandable. Even if you often choose to hibernate a laptop rather than turn it off, it is also very reasonable.
Because, Windows takes a lot of time to boot up to make it really 'ready' to use. And this is not the case with other OS's that only takes boot time in under half a minute.
That's 7 reasons you need to consider to be able to immediately turn away from Windows. Which do you feel is true? Please share your opinion in the comment field below yes.
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