Negative Impact of Buying a Replica Smartphone - KW is a replica item that is usually sold at a price much cheaper than the original price. As technology grows, many sellers will take advantage of these technological developments, one of them making replica smartphone (KW).
Well, this time Jaka will give you 5 negative impact if you buy a replica smartphone (KW) that sold on the market with a cheap price. Let's see directly.
5 Negative Impacts That Happen When You Buy a Replica Smartphone (KW)
1. Easily damaged
If you buy a KW smartphone at a cheap price, it certainly will not have the same specifications as the original. There will be a lot of reduction in some parts of the hardware such as cameras, screens, until the battery and some even fill it with used goods. This certainly makes you less satisfied in using it and will quickly break down.
2. It will be very difficult to diservice if it is damaged
In addition to easily damaged, KW smartphones also rarely provide service centers for its customers if it is damaged. Of course this will make you difficult to menservicenya because of the lack of service center. So be careful ya guys!
3. Limited software update
Smartphones do require the latest software updates to secure the smartphone. However, if you buy a KW smartphone, you will surely find the difficulty of the latest software update that may not be updatable.
4. Loss of privacy
Apparently buying KW smartphone can also threaten privacy also loh. Lately there is one software company in Shanghai that spread user data over 700 million smartphones and most of the data is a cheap replica smartphone. So think again yes guys before regret if you have bought it.
5. Do not have friends sharing
Most original smartphone users have a community that will help you if your smartphone is having problems. This is certainly different from the KW smartphone users who rarely have a community for sharing so you will be in trouble if your smartphone is having problems.
Well, that's 5 negative impact if you buy a replica smartphone (KW). So think again yes guys to buy the smartphone so as not to regret in the future. May be useful.
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Well, this time Jaka will give you 5 negative impact if you buy a replica smartphone (KW) that sold on the market with a cheap price. Let's see directly.
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5 Negative Impacts That Happen When You Buy a Replica Smartphone (KW)
1. Easily damaged
If you buy a KW smartphone at a cheap price, it certainly will not have the same specifications as the original. There will be a lot of reduction in some parts of the hardware such as cameras, screens, until the battery and some even fill it with used goods. This certainly makes you less satisfied in using it and will quickly break down.
2. It will be very difficult to diservice if it is damaged
In addition to easily damaged, KW smartphones also rarely provide service centers for its customers if it is damaged. Of course this will make you difficult to menservicenya because of the lack of service center. So be careful ya guys!
3. Limited software update
Smartphones do require the latest software updates to secure the smartphone. However, if you buy a KW smartphone, you will surely find the difficulty of the latest software update that may not be updatable.
4. Loss of privacy
Apparently buying KW smartphone can also threaten privacy also loh. Lately there is one software company in Shanghai that spread user data over 700 million smartphones and most of the data is a cheap replica smartphone. So think again yes guys before regret if you have bought it.
5. Do not have friends sharing
Most original smartphone users have a community that will help you if your smartphone is having problems. This is certainly different from the KW smartphone users who rarely have a community for sharing so you will be in trouble if your smartphone is having problems.
Well, that's 5 negative impact if you buy a replica smartphone (KW). So think again yes guys to buy the smartphone so as not to regret in the future. May be useful.
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